Fugro not prosecuted for fatal dam failure in Brazil


This article was last updated on November 1, 2024

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Fugro not prosecuted for fatal dam failure in Brazil

The Dutch soil research company Fugro will not be prosecuted for a fatal dam breach in Brazil. Fugro reported this this morning when it published its new quarterly figures. The dam burst in January 2019 in southeastern Brazil killed 270 people, including Fugro employees.

Fugro says that the Public Prosecution Service in Brazil finally closed its investigation into the events two months ago. Although the conclusions of the investigation have not yet been officially published, Fugro reports that on this basis it has been decided not to sue the company or hold it further liable.

On January 25, 2019, five local employees of the Dutch company were taking measurements at a mine in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais at the Brumadinho dam, where sludge from the mine was stored. At that moment the dam broke. Four of the five Fugro employees were killed.

Shares down

Two years ago the Fugro share was still going up down hard on the stock exchange after reports that the company was to blame for the disaster. The company then mentioned that news “one-sided and suggestive”.

“An initial investigation by the local authorities had already concluded that Fugro and employees are not liable. And the federal prosecutor has now also confirmed this,” a spokesperson said.

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