This article was last updated on July 3, 2024
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De Nederlandsche Bank offers a rare glimpse into the gold vault
Taking a look at the brand new safe of De Nederlandsche Bank: that is not easy. Since the move from Amsterdam to the woods near Zeist, what is probably the most secure building in the Netherlands has remained closed to prying eyes. Until now.
A new concrete complex has been built in Huis ter Heide – on a Defense site. There has been a stock of 14,000 gold bars with a value of approximately 11 billion euros since June last year at Camp New Amsterdam. Could also be a little more if the gold price goes through the roof in difficult economic times.
Very exceptionally, a select group of journalists were allowed to look inside the gold reserves of the Netherlands. Filming was not allowed, but DNB did provide its own images for the first time.
There are 11 billion euros in gold bars at this location in Zeist
In addition to gold, Zeist also has a stock of 150 million coins with a value of 50 million euros. Plus another approximately 6 billion euros in new banknotes; just from the printer.
Visitors to the almost impregnable fortress must identify themselves several times and pass through gates. And – say Schiphol security squared – empty the pockets, have the bags searched, the belts have to be taken off and the body scan.
A thorough search is also carried out when leaving. Even if visitors wanted to make an attempt, it would be impossible to take a 12.5 kilo gold bar from this highly secured bunker.
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