This article was last updated on April 16, 2022
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With the WEF telling us that we are going to eat meat only on limited occasions as shown here (prediction #4):
…we find the WEF's solutions to the dilemma of useless eaters actually eating here:
…and here:
Let's start by looking at the WEF's vision for eating weeds as written by Douglas Broom who, according to his LinkedIn page has experience as a writer and correspondent and absolutely no experience as a nutritionist.
Broom opens his article with the following 4 advantages to weeds:
"1.) Weeds can be nutritious and tasty, if we know which ones to pick.
2.) As the global population grows, they can be a reliable food source.
3.) Their ability to capture carbon can help tackle climate change.
4.) Weeds can also assist farmers by identifying soil problems to boost yields."
He follows this up with the five reasons why weeds could be the future of food:
"1. They’re easy to grow – Weeds thrive in harsh conditions and are more resilient than garden or crop plants. Take Kochia, or ‘field caviar’, which can survive in a wide range of temperatures and do without moisture, yet produces 50,000 seeds per plant which are used to make a garnish in Japan.
2. They can be rich in nutrients – Once their sting has been neutralized by cooking, nettles are a source of calcium, iron, magnesium as well as vitamin C. Purslane is a tasty addition to salads and is rich in vitamins as well as high in Omega-3 fatty acids.
3. We need to diversify our diets – Today, just 120 plant species are grown for human food, nine of which account for three-quarters of our plant-based energy intake, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. To reduce the environmental impact of intensive farming, experts have identified 50 new plant-based foods including algae and cacti.
4. They know more about the soil than we do – “Weeds are an index of what is wrong and – and sometimes what is right – with the soil,” says Charles Walters, author of Weeds: Control without Poisons. For example, ragweed is a sign of potassium deficiency, while bitterweed grows where soil is poorly drained. Even when we can’t eat them, weeds can help us grow more food.
5. They taste great – The leaves of wild garlic add a punch of flavour to salads, as do sweet young dandelion leaves which contain more beta-carotene than carrots. Antioxidant-rich sorrel adds a lemony flavour to salads and chickweed can be used as a spinach substitute."
Now, let's look at the WEF's vision for eating insects as written by Sean Fleming who, I might note also has absolutely no work experience in the field of nutrition as shown on his LinkedIn page.
Fleming opens by noting that a survey by Meticulous Research found the following about the market for edible insects:
Here's a quote from Fleming's article:
"So, what’s behind this anticipated increase in appetite for creepy-crawlies? There are a number of factors in play and the answer is wrapped up in an understanding of how insects compare with the production and farming of other food types.
Per kilo of live weight, bugs emit less harmful gas than more mainstream farm animals. A cow, for example, produces 2.8 kg of greenhouse gas per kilo of live body weight. Insects, on the other hand, produce just 2 grams.
They also consume fewer resources than traditional livestock. For each kilo it weighs, a cow needs 10 kg of feed. Bugs on the other hand need just 1.7 kg.
Water, which is becoming an increasingly scarce resource in some parts of the world – and which is used liberally in intensive farming – offers another interesting comparison. To produce a single gram of insect protein, you’d need 23 litres of water. That might sound like a lot. But to get that same gram of protein from cattle, you’d need 112 litres of water."
He then provides us with this graphic showing the environmental advantages of farming insects over chickens, pigs and cattle:
He goes on to state the advantages of raising insects:
"From the farmer’s point of view, raising insects is going to be radically different from raising sheep, pigs, or cattle. No more coping with mud, muck and filth. An end to shifting heavy sacks of feed. And forget about having to go outdoors in all weather to manhandle livestock. The requirement for investment in equipment will be different too. This will be farming on a much smaller scale, reducing the need for large and expensive machinery."
His musings close with these thoughts:
"It may not be too long before we can all buy a bag of edible insects at our local grocery store. Despite being eaten by 2 billion people globally, EU laws have prevented the sale of insects for human consumption.
As scarcity of resources and sustainability become increasingly important issues for food production and distribution, how long before you’re asking for insects in your food, rather than complaining if you find one?"
Let's add one more "food group" to our future diets. Here is a press release from Aleph Farms, an Israeli company:
That should make Bill Gates, the world's foremost climatologist and cow fart expert very, very happy.
Yes, by all means, let the useless eaters/serf class do the right thing, eat weeds, insects and fake printed meat, saving traditional vegetables, grain crops and real meat for the oligarchs/ruling class, shall we? After all, there's nothing like a good meal of weeds, insects and 3-D printed bovine muscle and fat to satisfy one's hunger, is there?
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