This article was last updated on April 16, 2022
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Earth Day is an event commemorated towards spreading attentiveness and gratitude about Earth’s natural environment. On this significant day which was actually invented by an American around 42 years ago at Wisconsin. On that fateful day of enormous change on April 22nd 1970, over 20 million people participated in this event to help support this amazing cause of helping to restore Earth more into its natural environment. With this thought in mind United States Senator, Gaylord Nelson at the time had initiated the world’s first ever Earth Day event as well as in later years putting his precious time towards also trying to make this event a global franchise.
Back in 1970, they hadn’t had as many ideas as we humans have now of what activities we can participate in to help launch Earth Day. Such a vast amount of activities may consist of raking the leaves in a local community park, doing a garbage sweep to promote individuals to not litter as much or even just eating locally grown foods for your meals which don’t tend to be as costly for shipping which in turn actually helps to cause pollution. To reduce these horrible pollutants from attacking our Earth’s atmosphere I suggest you go out into the community and try your best as an individual to stop the use of such carbon emissions by planning a couple of seminars to explain what can happen if too many of these emissions decide to attack our atmosphere. Remember, these are only a few suggestions to what you yourself can do on Earth Day.
Some other helpful major steps that can be taken to accomplish our goals of a less-pollutant Earth are to spread the word about this significant event to your friends and peers for a great response. A great source to spread the word around about this event is using MEDIA. Some ways of positively using media can be posting it on your facebook wall, tweeting it on your twitter account or even just making a fun promotional video for all to watch in order to draw attention about this amazing event are just some helpful major steps that can be taken to accomplish our goals of a healthier Earth.
To leave you off, I would like to say please send this article to as many friends in order to raise awareness for this cause to make this the best Earth Day this planet has ever had. Cheers to the Earth!
P.S. Want to know how I celebrated my last year’s Earth Day? To find out, click the direct link below :
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Awesome article!
Good job on the CVC Award, Harnnor. I just read the article below:
I am proud of you!
What a great way to spend Earth Day and do the activities… Great Harnoor.
EXCELLENT ARTICLE! Keep up the good work, Harnoor!
Thanks for sharing this great news with us and for letting us know about the wonderful work you are doing! We are impressed by what you are doing to help others and we applaud you!!
Great write up. Hope to see more such articles highlighting the enviro awarness!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on Earth Day Harnoor!
Best wishes in your endeavours!
Great message. We are not focused on how climat change and urban living is effecting eco-sytems and eco-zones in our world, if this would be something we would like to be a part of Roots and Shoots is a great place to start I think…. Well done on Earth Day article!!