Jonglei State Police Enthusiastic Over Salary Increase

Controller of Accounts and Warrant officer Mr. John Tut Chol paying salary to a police officer in Bor town [©Gurtong]

This article was last updated on April 16, 2022

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Controller of Accounts and Warrant officer Mr. John Tut Chol paying salary to a police officer in Bor town [©Gurtong]Jonglei State police officers have a reason to smile after receiving their newly improved salary package enthusiastically.

The Jonglei State Commissioner of Police Maj. General Kothea Kedit Mortat explained that the increment follows the promise by the National Minister of Interior Hon. Manai Magaya after visiting the State last month.

“Police officers have received their new salaries happily, this will help in supporting their families,” Kedit said.

The National Minister of Interior Hon. Magaya’s mission last month to Jonglei was to assess challenges that police forcers faced in the State and how they can be addressed.

Magaya said in a press conference that the police (including Wildlife, Fire brigade, and Prison services) will received equal salaries with SPLA forces.

Private ranked police officers used to receive 350 South Sudanese pounds (SSP) and has since been improved to SSP 623; while a Police Major is currently paid SSP 2,120 up from  SSP 975.

The officers are now happy and are ready to commit themselves in doing their duties. Gurtong interviewed some police officers after collecting their salaries;

“We are now happy about the new salaries, we will be able to feed our families and there is enough school fees for our children,” 2nd Lieutenant Gatwech Tuny Jany said.

“I am happy to receive this amount of money. I think my government is now implementing its promises and nobody should complain. ”1st Lieutenant John Padhal Ruai Lak said.

“Today I paid a lot of people and they were all in good mood. I think some of the officers will buy motorcycles since they commute from far,” Controller of Accounts and Warrant officer Mr. John Tut Chol said.

Meanwhile, the Director for Administration reminded every police officer to be punctual at work. “They used to complain of having meagre salaries; now that it’s been increased they should execute their duties accordingly. Police officers who fail to be at work on time will face administrative measures beginning from the rank of Major down to the rank of Private,” Col. Daniel Manyok Mayol told the police forces in Bor.

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